Friday, October 3, 2008

The Girl's Club

The girls and I went out to Hot Springs last weekend. I was so much fun. We went to the "Our Bodies" exhibit. We had all heard that it was kinda gross, but it wasn't at all. All the stuff looked fake because of the way it was preserved. We also went to the mall and bought lots of candy that I am still working on right now. Haha. And we all bought a cute new wallet. They were on sale. That night we went and ate at the Olive Garden and stayed there for like 3 hours. We had a great time. Then on Sunday we went to Magic Springs. There was hardly anyone there. We didn't have to wait in line to ride the rides. That was pretty cool. We didn't end up staying there very long because there wasn't much to do at all. But we had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Audra said...

I was so happy U were my follower! I didn't know who "Lindsay Hope" was going to be but I did notice they spelled their name like you...sorry we haven't seen much of eachother but work has been crazy and pregnancy doesn't seem to agree with me...Love ya lots, audra